In this video, we talk about whether if we can keep our Honey forever.
We've invited the Honey Expert Terry to share with us the truth and the myth in this 2nd episode of the honey secrets.
Mark Leong:
Boom! This is Mark Leong, here, your Asia's Juice guru and I have Terry from GTCL in the house.
Thank you for inviting me.
Mark Leong:
Welcome. Pleasure always. So in today's new episode, we'll be talking about how long can you keep your honey? So Terry, this one of the big question that everyone had been posing to us over the weeks. So today, if you're wondering if you have a tub of honey in your kitchen sitting right now, with an expired date on it. So the question that you have is that, should you dispose this or should you keep this? So Terry, why don't we enlighten the viewers if the expiry date does matter.
So technically, all food products is required by law to have an expiry date, but honey itself actually does not expire. So if the honey is kept in good condition where it's sealed properly, it's closed, it's not exposed to air, it can still be consumed. And it has an indefinite shelf life.
Mark Leong:
I see. Interesting. So technically, I can be storing this entire tub for my entire life. Even though I pass away, my next generation can inherit this honey.
Mark Leong:
All right.
Mark Leong:
I've got good news for all of you guys. If you can't afford a Rolex, don't worry or your Patek Phillipe, you can just keep a beautiful tub of honey and pass it down to the next generation. So we hope you enjoy this second episode on the honey secrets. Watch out for the next episode where we'll be sharing with you again, amazing secrets about honey based on the questions that you have written to us. So this is Mark Leong here once again, your Asia's Juice Guru and I have Terry in the house as well. So we would look for it to see you in episode there.