Love drinking milk but want a alternative in making your own nutmilk? This video shows you how easy it is to make your own natural Almond nutmilk that saves you $3248 a year in buying milks from the supermarket that is highly processed and nasty for your bodies.
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Boom! This is Mark Leong here, your Asia’s juicing guru. Today I want to share with you a very, very interesting way of making a nut milk. Yes, making your own nut milk. If you’re a milk lover and you wanted to switch from dairy milk to natural source of nut milk, then this is the perfect video for you because I’m just going to show you three simple steps of making your nut milk. I strongly encourage you to make your own nut milk because first of all, it is very, very good. It contains vitamin E, it has a lot of protein and calcium and also it is very good for your heart. And it contains a lot of healthy fats.
Making almond nut milk has never been so easy. If you’re wondering if it involves a lot of ingredients, a lot of work, then I’m very happy to share with you, no! It doesn’t. The ingredients that are involved are only three ingredients and that is basically your almond nuts, the dates, which are meant as the sweetener, natural sweetener for your nut milk. And of course the water. You can see it’s only three ingredients involved here. And I’ve specially prepared a bowl of nuts that are raw unsoaked. This is how your nuts will look like before you soak in water. So you could see that actually it is much more smaller in size and it has more wrinkles to the texture of it. Versus this bowl here, which I’ve soaked it overnight or at minimum of eight hours, so is more puffy and the wrinkles are gone. If you compare size by size, you could see that the one that you soak is bigger in shape.
Making your almond nut milk is so easy because apart from the three ingredient, it only involves three simple steps. The first step is to soak your nuts overnight or to soak them for at least eight hours, like what I’ve shared with you. So these are the nuts that I’ve soaked. It is about 250 grams of nuts or basically, it is a spoonful of nuts here. For the water ratio, I’m taking two to one. So for every one cup of nuts I will use two spoonfuls of water. Each of this serving is about 250 ml and when I put water, I will always tell people to make sure that you do not put too much water because you do not want your nut milk to be too diluted. You want it to be creamy and just nice. So make sure that you do not put too much water in.
The next thing I’m going to add in, obviously the dates. So for this amount of nuts for the flavor that is just nice, I’ll just add one date in. If you want it to be sweeter you can add two dates in. This depends on individual, but for me, I just want it to be just nice because I want to taste the almond nut. So I’m just going to use one date. Make sure you remove the seed. Don’t juice this together, all right? This is supposed to be separated out.
That’s so easy. And this is ready to go into the juicing machine and I’m going to show you how beautiful the nut milk is. Come on over here.
There you go, the beautiful nut milk. I’m going to share with you the final step. Step number three, and what is the final step? The final step is basically to sieve it or to filter the nut, the fiber off the nut. So this is optional. It depends on individual. For those of you that you do not mind your milk to be a bit more fibrous, right? You want to taste the fiber. You don’t even need to do these step. So it’s only two steps.
But if you want your nut milk to be super smooth, very, very fine like as though you’re buying it from the supermarket. Then, you involve this third step where you’re basically sieving all the fiber. Oops, get that. All right!
I’m going to show you how beautiful the texture of the milk is. Look at that. Look at this. This is just absolutely beautiful, it is natural. It is easy. I’m going to give it a taste now. This is the best nut milk I’ve ever tasted, okay? So you can see, it’s so easy. Three ingredients, tree steps. You do it less than five minutes. So my friends, try making this your own. Let me know how it goes and make sure after this, don’t buy any more nut milks from the supermarkets because you’re going to save you [beep 00:05:11] a lot of money and it’s going to taste good. And in fact, it’s very healthy for you and your whole family. This is Mark Leong here once again, your Asia’s juicing guru. I’m signing out now and I’m going to enjoy my nut milk for the day. Bye.